Child & Young Person Safety

Carers SA has a zero tolerance of harm or risk of harm against children and young people

Carers SA has zero tolerance to harm against children and young people. All allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently in the best interest of children and young people.

We support and respect all children and young people, as well as our staff and volunteers.

We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children and young people.

Carers SA is a Child Wise Accredited Organisation 

We understand our legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child or young person’s safety.

We will support our people with training and robust policies and procedures to support best practices.

Carers SA is committed to preventing children and young people from being harmed and identifying risks early and removing these risks.

Carers SA has robust human resources and recruitment practices to reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing staff.

Carers SA is committed to ensuring that the workforce has appropriate and relevant child and young person safety training and continuing the education of our staff on child abuse risks.

We are committed to providing inclusive and safe spaces for all children and young people, including children and young people who:

  • Are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • Come from a different country or speak a different language
  • Identify as LGBTQIA+
  • Have a disability

We have specific policies and procedures in place that support our staff and volunteers to achieve these commitments.

Carers SA is committed to the implementation of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

Carers SA Child Safety Framework

We are excited to announce the launch of the Carers SA Child Safe Framework. This Framework sets our standards as a Child Safe Organisation for creating and maintaining a child safe culture, processes and practice at Carers SA.




We are a Nationally Accredited Childwise Organisation





Links and support for parents & carers

Here are some great links for Carers and Parents to keep children and young people safe.

Carers SA is committed to Safeguarding Children and Young People and supports the Bright Futures project – a Daniel Morcombe Foundation national education and training project addressing the issues of problematic and harmful sexual behaviours (PHSB), technology assisted harmful sexual behaviours (TA-HSB) and child sexual exploitation (CSE).

Equipping children, the adults who care for them, and front-line professionals with the skills to identify the risk factors and potential signs of abuse as early as possible is vital to ensure children receive timely intervention and support.

Join the Bright Futures Community, where you can access resources and contribute to support keeping kids safe across Australia.

Bright Futures Community