
Take A Break

Due to an overwhelming response and high interest in our Carer Breaks program, we have reached capacity and are unable to accommodate any new referrals at this time. We recognise the importance of providing support to all those in need, and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you would like to explore other alternative support options available, please contact Carers SA via Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737

We all need a break sometime

Carer Breaks aim to support Carer wellbeing by providing Carers with a full break from their caring role and the opportunity to strengthen their connections to their community.

Carers wishing to access Carer Breaks will need to complete eligibility criteria and an initial assessment.

Carer Breaks are provided for Carers in a range of settings including:

  • in a group setting to facilitate social connection (particularly with other Carers)
  • individual breaks – for Carers identified as most in need of an individual break and/or those who have limited or no other options to have a break away from the person they care for.

Group Activities/breaks:

  • are usually 2-5 hours in length and are where a group of Carers meet and undertake an activity together e.g. art and craft session, mindfulness session, movie meal deal etc.
  • Carers SA Staff may attend some group activities and not others.


  • include overnight (1-2 nights) accommodation, a group activity, and a main meal.

We are currently priortising Carers according to the following criteria

  • Carers level of stress/distress
  • Carers who have not accessed a Carer Break previously
  • Carers who do not have access other opportunities to a break
  • Carers who are financially disadvantaged including Carers who are receiving a government payment

Ready for a Carer Break? Contact us to find out more.


Carer Breaks are funded by the Government of South Australia – Department of Human Services.

"Words can't express how grateful I am for these 2 nights break. I'm refreshed and have recuperated."