National Carers Week

National Carers Week

National Carers Week will run from Sunday 13 to Saturday 19 October 2024.  It is a time to recognise, celebrate and raise awareness about the 3 million Australians who provide care to a family member or friend.

National Carers Week 2024 will take place from Sunday, 13th to Saturday, 19th October 2024.

Get involved this Carers Week

Check out these resources

Make the most of our easy-to-use resources including the National Carers Week logo, posters, flyers and social media tiles for you to download and share.

National Carers Week Resouces

Carers Week- Toolkit

National Carers Week Posters

National Carers Week- Social Media Tiles

National Carers Week - Flyers

Tips to Support Carers

Anyone, anytime can become a Carer

The Carer Wellbeing Survey found carers who had good access to support had healthy levels of wellbeing compared to those who had no or limited access to help.

Below are some ideas of how you can help a carer today.

Acknowledge and Appreciate

Recognise the exceptional role Carers play in the lives of those they care for.
You can:

Express gratitude with a simple personalised.note or video message on social media.
Be a compassionate and empathetic listener.
Let them know you see everything they do and recognise their efforts.
Be a compassionate and empathetic listener.
Verbally recognise their efforts.

Encourage Selfcare

Remind carers to take care of themselves and prioritise their own physical and mental health.
You can:

Share helpful resources such as healthand wellbeing apps and support groups.
Go for a walk with them.
If you are an employer, provide carers with flexible work-arrangements.

Offer a Break

Offer to provide carers with a break and time for themselves to recharge. You can:

Run errands for them.
Help with household chores like laundry, cleaning, cooking, budgeting and shopping.
Plan a social activity together.

Check In Regularly

Show your support for carers by checking-in on them regularly. You can:

Encourage carers to talk if this is helpful to them.
Validate their feelings without judgement.
Avoid discussing sensitive matters in front of the care recipient as it could make them uncomfortable.

Initate Support

Carers often priortise the well-being of the person they care for over their own needs. They might struggle to seek assistance due to a sense of guilt and shame or fear of being judged. You can:

Ask them on how you can help them.
Listen to what they need – don’t assume you know!